For decades, the world has produced enough food to end global hunger and achieve the first Millenium Development Goals. However, the persistent maldistribution of food entitlement means that this goal remains out of sight. While migration in search of greater food security usually reflects an acute shortage of locally available food, diverse sociopolitical and cultural factors  including poverty, corruption, high food prices, food waste and ineffectual food storage and distribution mechanisms – also contribute.

Despite there being enough food available to feed everyone, today more than 1 billion people lack adequate nutrition. Natural disasters, poor agricultural infrastructure and overexploitation of natural resources – all linked to global ecological challenges – are among the key causes of hunger and malnutrition.

Lack of food, malnutrition and poor hygiene interact to compromise immunity and increase disease vulnerability. It is predicted that climate change will exacerbate malnutrition, especially in low income countries, by depressing agricultural productivity in many low-latitude countries.

There are multiple pathways to this projected outcome, including heat stress, intensified rainfall events and more severe droughts. These threats will be increasingly amplified by sea level rises, particularly in highly productive river deltas such as the Mekong and the Nile

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