management project
Green roofs and solar panels can help reduce our greenhouse gas emissions
The NYC °CoolRoofs initiative encourages building owners to cool their rooftops by applying a reflective white coating that reduces energy use, cooling costs and carbon emissions.
This is a SRM (Solar Radiation Management) project, which is based on the decrease of temperatures through SRM techniques: applying a reflective surface (white and brilliant) to a roof helps reducing the release of GHG to the atmosphere, since less energy is used in the building. Such technique also helps reducing energy costs. The project is located in New York city.
Cool Roofs is a good way to combat global warming since it changes the radiation budget for solar radiation. Less solar radiation in the Earth’s surface means a decrease in temperatures. At the moment, there are a total of 5768347 square feet roofs cooled thanks to NYC ºCoolRoofs project.
Combined contribution
Since it was launched, NYC CoolRoofs has achieved a cooling effect of 1.71 x 10-9 ºC and 21600 Credits.
The Credits can be obtained from the development of those projects, technologies or actions that might cause a negative final variation of thermal impact produced by itself.
Credits account the compensation effect of the temperature rise generated by the reduction of greenhouse gases emissions and/ or the reduction in heat absorption by changes in physical properties of the use of land in specific projects such as NYC CoolRoofs Project.
Coolmyplanet publicly recognizes the contribution that this project represents in the fight against climate change. NYC CoolRoofs Project is an example of how and environmental sustainability is an achievable goal.
Thanks to this project citizens can offset their personal environmental footprint.