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The effort to contribute in the fight against climate change should not be penalized. This is a saying that we promote to make companies around the world, understand that the effort of their actions, strategies, innovations, projects and developing solutions, should be reported to the rest of social groups without any higher surcharge.
The credits that are generated from the implementation of these projects, provide the basis for citizens to offset their personal environmental footprint. Therefore It would not be correct for a company to pay for working on an important environmental cause like this, when the biggest part of the solution is in their hands. In the same way, it would not be fair for companies with lower economic capacity, which also implement effective solutions to pay for sharing their environmental achievements.
The use of this tool is precisely what allows coolmyplanet.org to design a “win to win” environmental footprint compensation program, in which the participation of both companies and citizens, is completely free, and where the great winner is always the environment, and consequently the society.
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